Fourth and Final Installment of the Malvern Story on WHBC

For those who may have missed the live radio broadcast, please follow the link below to listen in and watch the final episode of the Malvern story as featured on Larry Hackenberg’s “The Time Machine”. Four episodes in total aired on Canton’s 1480 WHBC over several Saturdays, highlighting some fascinating areas relating to Malvern’s history.

Third Installment of the Malvern Story on WHBC

Please take a look and listen at this third installment of Mr. Larry Hackenberg’s “The Time Machine” as featured on Canton’s WHBC radio station by following the destination link below. A total of four broadcasts featuring Malvern will be presented with shows airing on Saturdays at 1 p.m.

Second Installment of the Malvern Story on WHBC

Please take a look and listen at this second installment of Mr. Larry Hackenberg’s “The Time Machine” as featured on Canton’s WHBC radio station by following the destination link below. A total of four broadcasts featuring Malvern will be presented with shows airing on Saturdays at 1 p.m. Future broadcasts are scheduled for Saturdays May 13 and 20.

The Malvern Story Featured on WHBC

Canton’s radio station WHBC features a Saturday broadcast entitled “The Time Machine”, hosted by Mr. Larry Hackenberg. Recently, the Malvern story has been featured on air with a total of four episodes to be included.

Take a look and listen at this initial episode with guest historians Mr. Douglas Angeloni and Mr. Jason Lombardi by following the destination link below.

New Roof in Place

We are pleased to announce our new roof is in place and our collection is safe from future water damage. Sincere thanks to the numerous donors, the kind-hearted donor who supplied the roofing material, along with Mr. Donald LeBeau and crew who did a fantastic job on the project. Please take a drive by the building to see the work!

Photo credit: Tyler Moody.
Photo credit: Tyler Moody.