Our school name stone project is coming along quite nicely. We are nearing completion and feel the anonymous mason did an outstanding job bringing the monument to life. Please stop by the Malvern Village Park and take a peek.
As a brief reminder, this name stone once graced the facade of the grand 1891 school house on West Main Street (razed 1970). Honorable William McKinley was present when this stone and the corner stone were laid.
Dedication and time-capsule-sealing ceremonies will be announced shortly with just two phases left to complete the project:
1). Have two plaques manufactured which detail the significance of the stone and display the donors.
2). Secure the corner stone block from the original 1891 school house and place in it a time capsule.
We are thrilled to report the original corner stone block has been located and will be donated to the project along with donated time/equipment to transport it to the site.
However, the price to manufacture the two metal plaques is much more costly than anticipated. Multiple quotes have been obtained for the two plaques which will have raised lettering and an etched photo of the 1891 school house. So much time and love has gone into the project so far, we undeniably feel plaques which will stand to the test of time and are presentable are justifiable.
The Malvern Historical Society is humbly coming to our strong supportive community requesting donations to help offset the cost of the plaques which is in the neighborhood of $2,000 total.
Donations can be made in a variety of ways:
1) Drop off donations to the building any Saturday during our hours of operation (10 a.m. to 12 noon).
2) Drop off donations before/after our regular monthly meetings which are held the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at our home located at 108 East Porter Street.
3) Mail checks/money orders (made payable to the Malvern Historical Society) to P.O. Box 80, Malvern OH 44644
4) Contact us through this Facebook page and arrangements can be made for drop-off at other times as available.
5) We offer online donations (secure website) with donors being able to pay with PayPal and/or credit/debit cards. Follow this link for online donations: http://malvernhistoricalsociety.org/donate.
Thank you for your amazing continued support. We are almost to the finish line with this project folks!