Just a friendly reminder that if you have an annual membership, it’s time to renew.
Your membership fees and generous donations go a long ways to help us preserve Malvern’s history.
Thanks in Advance!
Just a friendly reminder that if you have an annual membership, it’s time to renew.
Your membership fees and generous donations go a long ways to help us preserve Malvern’s history.
Thanks in Advance!
Our school name stone project is coming along quite nicely. We are nearing completion and feel the anonymous mason did an outstanding job bringing the monument to life. Please stop by the Malvern Village Park and take a peek.
As a brief reminder, this name stone once graced the facade of the grand 1891 school house on West Main Street (razed 1970). Honorable William McKinley was present when this stone and the corner stone were laid.
Dedication and time-capsule-sealing ceremonies will be announced shortly with just two phases left to complete the project:
1). Have two plaques manufactured which detail the significance of the stone and display the donors.
2). Secure the corner stone block from the original 1891 school house and place in it a time capsule.
We are thrilled to report the original corner stone block has been located and will be donated to the project along with donated time/equipment to transport it to the site.
However, the price to manufacture the two metal plaques is much more costly than anticipated. Multiple quotes have been obtained for the two plaques which will have raised lettering and an etched photo of the 1891 school house. So much time and love has gone into the project so far, we undeniably feel plaques which will stand to the test of time and are presentable are justifiable.
The Malvern Historical Society is humbly coming to our strong supportive community requesting donations to help offset the cost of the plaques which is in the neighborhood of $2,000 total.
Donations can be made in a variety of ways:
1) Drop off donations to the building any Saturday during our hours of operation (10 a.m. to 12 noon).
2) Drop off donations before/after our regular monthly meetings which are held the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at our home located at 108 East Porter Street.
3) Mail checks/money orders (made payable to the Malvern Historical Society) to P.O. Box 80, Malvern OH 44644
4) Contact us through this Facebook page and arrangements can be made for drop-off at other times as available.
5) We offer online donations (secure website) with donors being able to pay with PayPal and/or credit/debit cards. Follow this link for online donations: http://malvernhistoricalsociety.org/donate.
Thank you for your amazing continued support. We are almost to the finish line with this project folks!
Mark your calendars for an interesting community presentation by Mr. Doug Angeloni on April 4.
Angeloni will speak on the early inhabitants of our area with displays
of Native American artifacts. The evening’s gathering is entitled:
“Before Moses Porter: Malvern’s First Occupants-A Look at Brown Township’s Native American Ties.”
Moses Porter settled the Malvern area respectively in 1806; this
presentation will focus on those who called this area home prior to that
Doug is well known to the community through many
endeavors and is an active member of the Malvern Historical Society. A
retired Malvern High School teacher, he has spent decades pursuing his
pastime of amateur archeology.
The event is free to the public
with light refreshments to be served. The speaker will also, as an
added feature to the evening’s discussion, be offering to identify any
locally found Native American artifacts brought in for the presentation
by guests. This service is also free of charge.
Who: Doug Angeloni, amateur archeologist.
What: Presentation of Native American artifacts from the Malvern/Brown
Township area with a discussion relating to those who inhabited this
location prior to 1806. Also included will be Native American artifact
identification for those who so choose to bring in a few pieces.
When: Thursday, April 4, 2019. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the program
beginning at 6:30 p.m. Artifact identification for the public may take
place either shortly before or after the presentation.
Where: Malvern School Cafetorium located at 3242 Coral Rd, NW, Malvern, Ohio.
Why: Because we love local history!
See you there and please share this post to your Facebook page.
Need a last minute Christmas gift that celebrates Malvern’s history? We have several items for sale at the museum:
Stop in and visit an pick something up!
As promised, a canal hike in the Malvern/Oneida area has been planned to follow up on the October 18 presentation hosted by the Malvern Historical Society.
The hike is free and open to all.
When: Saturday, December 1, 2018
Rain/snow date will be Saturday, December 8, 2018
Time: 1 p.m. meet.
Where: Meet at Bethlehem Cemetery, Malvern.
Who: Hosted by the Malvern Historical Society and led by canal authoritarian Mr. Doug Bacso.
The December date was chosen in effort to remain close in time frame to the presentation held in October along with decreased vegetation/pests which may be found near the traveled areas.
We will be breaking up the day in to two parts for those who may not be interested for a longer hike. The first part, beginning at 1 p.m. will focus on the area near Bethlehem Cemetery and will not involve much intense walking. The second part for that day is still in the process of being refined and will be announced that day, however, will include longer walk times in possibly overgrown areas heading nearer to Oneida. The entire day is expected to take upwards of two and one-half hours in total and possibly longer.
Those interested in attending, please be ready to walk through possibly muddy areas with potential for briers and uneven terrain. Boots are recommended. Dress warm depending on the weather.
See you there!
What a splendid community we have!
On September 8, 2018, we brought to the attention of the Malvern community our desire to preserve the mammoth name stone from the old 1891 school house which once stood on West Main Street. Our community has always come to attention in the past when we have requested assistance, and as always, our friends and families rallied together to lend us a hand for this project.
Within hours of sharing our project via the Facebook world, Malvern Cub Scout Pack 155 Assistant Cub Master, Mr. Ben Thompson, contacted our society. He shared that he and his wife, Cub Master Brandy Thompson, were so thankful for the walking history tour the Malvern Historical Society provided for their pack this past summer, they wanted to be able to give back in some way and help us raise the money for this name stone project.
The Cub Scouts reached out to the Malvern Rotary in attempts to pair up with another community association to assist with raising the needed funds. Mr. Gary Pearce of the Malvern Rotary reached out to the Malvern Historical Society and requested a representative from our organization attend their evening meeting and share the project with the group. Mr. Tyler Moody, chairman of the name stone project along with Jason Lombardi (president of the historical society) met with Rotarians one Monday evening, sharing specifics of the name stone project. Ben and Brandy Thompson were also present at this meeting representing the Cub Scouts along with Cameron Eckard. Following the presentation, Malvern Rotarians shared their organization’s desire to match funds collected by the Cub Scouts to see our project through to fruition.
Several weekends ago, Malvern Cub Scouts could be seen at two Malvern locations (Woods’ Grocery and Rocky’s Too) collecting donations for our project. The Scouts and affiliates spent hours diligently manning their stations in spite of a not so warm day that day!
The Scouts presented their gatherings at our October meeting ($750 + $750 as matched by the Malvern Rotary). Shown in the photo accepting the donation check from Cub Master Brandy Thompson is Mr. Doug Angeloni, Malvern Historical Society member and also member of the name stone project committee. Malvern Historical Society President Jason Lombardi is pictured at the far right. Proudly gathered for the photo representing the Scouts are also (front row, left to right): Jacob Lemley, Andersen Myers, and Cameron Eckard; (second row, left to right): Adelynn Myers, A’Auna Eckard, and Russell McCune; (third row, left to right): Melissa Lemley and Emily McCune.
Brandy Thompson reports to us the Scouts reached out to others to fulfill the donations needed, receiving contributions from Malvern American Legion Valley Post 375, Reed Street Cafe, and Mr. Scott Bowling.
Our society directly received other generous donations for the project including (in alphabetical order): Steve Barnett, Shirley Foster, Loretta Harsh, Dave LePore, and Brett Sarbach.
We thankfully report the donations requested have been provided and then some with contributions exceeding $2,200.
Due to weather changing as we approach the termination of 2018, the project is slated to begin first thing in the Spring of 2019.
With sincere gratitude, we humbly thank all donors who contributed to our project. Your generosity speaks volumes. Updates to follow as weather permits.
Forty-eight years ago this site looked quite differently on West Main Street. Malvern’s grand 1891 school house would have been occupying this spot where Pastor Mark Wells is now standing in the featured photo.
Next to Mark is an unassuming and mostly forgotten memento which had at one time proudly occupied a position of prominence on the front of that old school house which was razed in 1970. Gradually being lost to the elements along with accidental collisions by snow plows and automobiles, the Malvern Historical Society has decided it is our responsibility to save this precious connection to Malvern’s superb school history. And it is not just any old stone as readers will come to find out. When the 1891 school house was dedicated, Honorable William McKinley traveled from Canton to Malvern to take part in the dedication ceremony. Yes, McKinley was at this very spot and connected with this very stone.
Although difficult to read, the stone is etched with the following information:
“Board of Education – Frederick Buel, president; George Deckman, treasurer; Charles J. Deckman, clerk; James F. Crawford, B.F. Metz and J.C. Gudekoontz; Kramer & Zoll architects; Ross Rue, builder. Laid by Clay City Council No. 60, Jr. O.U.A.M. and Joseph F. Foraker Camp No. 82, Sons of Veterans; Aug. 7, 1891.”
When the Malvern school vacated the building at 401 West Main Street we see today and moved across town into the new structure, this old school name stone remained on the property. Damascus Friends Church – Malvern Campus (http://www.dfcnow.com/malvern-campus/) now calls the school building on West Main Street home and our society contacted Pastor Mark Wells to determine if he had plans for the aging name stone on the property. Mark has strong ties to Malvern being a son of the late former Malvern Mayor Robert Wells and the late Helen (Hahn) Wells: both highly respected and valued Malvern citizens. We explained our desire to preserve the stone and Mark, without hesitation, wholeheartedly agreed with the need for preservation and was excited to donate the stone to our care and custody.
Over the past year, the Malvern Historical Society has been working through the details of the hows, whens, and wheres for the project. Malvern Historical Society member Tyler Moody is chairman of the project and has done a splendid job in completing much foot work and bringing together those who will oversee the project. The number of volunteer hours he has invested into this project is immense and we are grateful for his love of his community and being a member of our team. So, we have a donated name stone from the 1891 school house…now what will we do with it?
Step two: finding a location. Our society problem-solved where to display the large, heavy, and not-so-common donation. We wanted a place which would protect the treasure yet allow it to be shared by the community. Through much decision-making, we have decided the monumental stone will be best appreciated at the Malvern Park near to where other memorials are currently displayed (including the old Malvern jail). We met with Malvern Park Board and other necessary officials and will be finalizing plans soon. So, now we have a donated name stone and a place to put it (Malvern Park).
Step three: how will we display it? Several of our members have put their thinking caps on in effort to determine the best way to display the monumental stone. Sketches, utilizing digital images, along with investigation of how other communities display such items have been engaged. We want it protected, accessible, and preserved. Thanks to Malvern Historical Society member Douglas Angeloni, we now have detailed sketches of how the finished product will present. Complete with dimensions and all the necessary details, the drawings are helping us visualize what we need to build to save this one-of-a- kind name stone.
The Malvern Historical Society is quite excited to share there will be other donated services which will be provided us to see this project come to fruition. We will share these as the project progresses, step by step. Most of the entire project is covered by donated time and labor with the exception of the materials which will comprise the stone surround which will be housing the name stone. The person who will be constructing the monument has worked alongside of our members to determine the best medium and we have received a quote for this.
The Malvern Historical Society is seeking donations to offset the $1,500 in costs for materials to complete the project. Donations of any amount will be cherished in effort to preserve this valued piece of Malvern school history and know all donations are tax deductible as the Malvern Historical Society is a non-profit organization.
Donations can be made in a variety of ways:
1) Drop off donations to the building any Saturday during our hours of operation (10 a.m. to 12 noon).
2) Drop off donations before/after our regular monthly meetings which are held the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at our home located at 108 East Porter Street.
3) Mail checks/money orders (made payable to the Malvern Historical Society) to P.O. Box 80, Malvern OH 44644
4) Contact us through this Facebook page and arrangements can be made for drop-off at other times as available.
5) We offer online donations (secure website) with donors being able to pay with PayPal and/or credit/debit cards. Follow this link for online donations:
Just know Malvern is a splendid place to call home with many community-minded residents. We are blessed indeed. One of your neighbors, a graduate of Malvern High School, who loves his community dearly has volunteered to build the monument for us free of charge. This person wishes to remain anonymous. Many have stepped up in the community to donate of their time for this project which is an exceptionally valuable gift and we will be introducing these donors as the project progresses.
Please have a part in helping the Malvern Historical Society save a piece of history and please join your neighbors who have already stepped up and donated in various forms.
Malvern schools have shaped the minds and characters of so many countless individuals. Just think of those who have passed by this stone over the years to and from class: this stone is a direct link to that heritage. In the words of David McCullough, “History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
We are open today during Dancing on the Bridge, so please feel free to stop by and say hello. Please share this posting to your Facebook page in effort to spread the word.
Thank you.
The Sandy and Beaver Canal first passed through the Malvern area in the early part of the 19th century…it helped shape our community. Knowing little of its significance to the Malvern area, the Malvern Historical Society is hosting a community program in effort to educate on the importance of the waterway through our Carroll County village. To augment this, the society is also planning a canal walk some time in November to increase awareness of where pertinent canal landmarks are and were in the Malvern area.
Program information:
When: Thursday, October 18, 2018
Where: Malvern School Cafetorium at 3242 Coral Rd. NW, Malvern
Time: Program begins at 6:30 p.m. and will last one hour. Doors open to public at 6 p.m.
Cost: Free to all. Light refreshments will be served
Who: Presenter will be Mr. Doug Bacso, authoritarian on the Sandy and Beaver Canal system.
The program will consist of audiovisual material along with a physical display of canal memorabilia. The presentation will focus on the canal as it ran through Malvern but will also include information on Minerva, Oneida, Waynesburg, and Magnolia. Members from all communities are encouraged to attend.
This presentation is a precursor to an actual canal walk in the Malvern area which will be scheduled for some time in November (a date has not been set). In effort to limit overgrown vegetation and pesky bugs, the walk itself has been planned for cooler weather.
Please share this posting and plan to attend the October 18 (free) program and learn of the canal’s history with details to come on when the canal walk will take place.
Viewers are encouraged to comment here to give us an idea of the number to be expected in attendance.
Thank you!
Well, it’s never too early to start preparing for the Christmas season and the Malvern Historical Society is getting geared up with a special fundraiser.
Have a loved one out-of-town who is longing for that hometown Christmas once again?
Wanting to share with friends and family a glimpse of Christmas in downtown Malvern?
Perhaps an added attraction to your own Christmas decor?
Our custom-made Christmas greeting card will satisfy all of these needs for your holiday spirit.
The cards feature a splendid image of our society’s street-front facade from this past Christmas season which was lovingly decorated by dedicated volunteers.
Showcasing the featured Christmas card are society members who assisted in making the building a beautiful scene last December (left to right): Sonia Strock, Linda Byrd, John Chiurco, and Rhonda Chiurco. At the far right is society member Linda Faa who must take credit for developing this fundraising item. Other society members who took part in decorating the building this past season but were unavailable for this photo are Susie Brothers and Tom Wagner. Thank you, all. Photo credit: Lee Faa.
Cards are for sale at $2.00 per card or three cards for $5.00. The cards are professionally custom made and are paired with envelopes to match. The interior of the card is inscribed with a custom message right from Malvern, Ohio.
Cards can be purchased at the society building (108 East Porter Street) on Saturday mornings between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon. For further questions or to arrange pick-up, please phone Sonia Strock at 330-863-0149 or Linda Byrd at 330-863-1222.
Those out-of-town viewers who may wish to purchase cards may mail a check made payable to the Malvern Historical Society, P.O. Box 80, Malvern, OH 44644. Please inquire of postage before mailing checks if purchasing more than three cards. Added cost of $2.50 will be necessary for postage to mail to out-of-area parties a set of three cards.
As an added feature, out of area parties may also pay online at our website by visiting this link: Donate.
When choosing this online payment method, please specify under the “donate” button the payment is for Christmas cards and also include your mailing address and the additional charges for postage in your payment. If you would like confirmation of total postage charges, just message us or comment on this posting and we can give you a hand in tallying the amount.
Thank you.
Came across this article:
Paving Through History – A Short History of Brick Making in Stark County
Malvern is mentioned:
McAllister said Ohio’s first paved street was built in Steubenville in 1884, and that the first mass production of paving brick in Ohio took place in Malvern in 1885 at the Canton-Malvern Fire Clay Paving Brick Co.